Friday, February 20, 2009

Pay it Forward..

Okay I have seen a couple of these and I got this off my friend Hannah's Blog, so sounds like fun...Remember I am no Martha Stewart but the gift will be fun :)

Here are the official rules:I will send a hand made gift to the first three people who leave a comment on this post requesting to join the PIFexchange. All the gifts will be made and sent out (sometime within the next year). How exciting to not know when your surprise package will arrive!What you need to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. This exchange is only open to those with active websites or blogs. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PROMISE TO POST THIS SAME 'PAY IT FORWARD' MESSAGE ONTO YOUR BLOG, WHICH MUST BE ACTIVE IN ORDER TO PLAY. YOU WILL PAY IT FORWARD TO THREE PEOPLE WHO COMMENT ON YOUR BLOG.
Recap:1. The first three people who comment commit to the PIF thing.2. Then, from all the other comments, I will randomly chose a winner and send that person a gift too. That person isn't in the PIF, that person is just a winner of the giveaway.
3. You can enter for the giveaway 2 times if you subscribe to my blog or tell me that I'm in your google reader.
I will randomly pick the winner on February 28. Good luck and be sure to Pay It Forward.


Privettfamily said...

okay, pay me forward!!!!!

kristi lee said...

I'm not entering to take on of the spots since Hannah saw this on my blog. Just an fyi...the extra giveaway and dates etc are just something I added to the pay it forward thing. Not something you necessarily have to do. It will be a ton of fun though. You can enter mine for the giveaway if you want.

Unknown said...

All right I posted this on my blog. I guess I will give it a try.