This morning Knox decided to be a little adventurous and tried something new. He was in Presleys room with Pres playing and Bryan was feeding Maryn and I was in our room. We heard a pop and the power went out. Bryan thought the TV had just blown out. He walked into Presley's room with our little boy looking nervous and keys hanging out of the outlet. UGH !! I thought we would be past the stage where they are interested in the outlets, but I guess he is just now getting curious. I think this scared him good enough that he won't try again. Anyway- one key went in the outlet and the other touched the stainless steel outlet plate and completed the circuit. Pres asked later what the blue light was that came out of the wall. We are greatful that little Knox is not hurt, we love him so much, hopefully we can keep his curiosity in check with things that won't kill him :)
A burn on his thumb...
Wow! Glad he is alright.
Scary... Hopefully he won't do that again!!! Happy he is ok.
Holy Cow! That is kinda nuts! Im so sorry you had to go through that! Goofy kids, I agree, I would totally think I was out of the water with that one, but the truth is we have never really gone over the outcomes of sticking things in outlets either! Im so glad he is alright!
Wow, that is scary! My kids have stuck their fingers in sockets before, but never something metal. I'm glad he's alright.
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