Sunday, December 30, 2007

the big move

we did it again. we crossed the continental united states. we have done this too many times! it started with loading a 26' truck in myrtle beach and driving it to chattanooga. we unloaded our stuff at the polk family residence, decided what was absolutely essential, diminished the essentials, and ended up with a 5x8 trailer filled with stuff being towed behind a little 2.3 litre 4 cylinder mazda tribute.

the impossible was accomplished. it was accomplished because of the great help that we had. a community of saints, family, and friends helped us to succeed in achieving the impossible. we are so grateful for a loving family and wonderful friends who so willingly and freely gave of their time and talents to assist us in the journey of life. it could not have been done without them.

the trip from chattanooga to provo took about 42 hours (4 of them were spent in traffic west of nashville due to an accident). snow, ice, frozen fog (never encountered that before - thanks texas and new mexico), road kill, pot holes, crazy head winds, freezing temperatures...the list goes on. it was exhausting and fun. i'm glad that i had my brother in law chas to help. we had a blast driving together and getting to know each other better.

anyway, we have left our possessions and family and made the leap of faith hoping that God will provide the way. we have crossed 2250 miles of the globe (approx 1/10 of the circumference of the globe at the equator) and are about to begin a new chapter of our lives in the snow covered mountains of utah.

we thank God for the love and support of good people and hope that they will have eyes to see the blessings that he will most definitely pour out upon them.

life is good. God is a God of miracles. He lives. we worship and love him and will follow him wherever he leads us.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Moving forward...

Well needless to say the past two weeks have been an emotional roller coaster for me ( and since I was crazy, my poor family suffered). It all started last week with my frustration with the fact that we have yet to sell our home !!! Ahhhhh !!! I was having a really hard time understanding why. I kept thinking that we are doing everything that we are supposed to (church wise) and then some. I was frustrated that I started off with complete faith that we would sell our home no problem. So obviously things are working out a little differently than I had planned. And I think that is the whole problem, I, My plan, Compared to Heavenly Fathers. It is perplexing to me that I have been through so many situations in my life where I have learned over and over that he has a plan, and it might not be what I want it to be or even any thing that I could ever imagine, but it works out so much better than if we were to try and do it our own way. So I have determined to let this week be a lesson for seems like it is always a lesson !! but anyway, I have submitted and let go and put myself into the free fall that Bryan talked about a couple weeks ago. I was so bugged when he posted that, because I was still so upset with the way things were working out. But it is so weird to say that letting go has actually made my life a lot less crazy and I feel a lot more at peace with whatever is going to happen because I know we are going to be fine no matter what. I guess for a person who is somewhat control oriented that letting go of a situation is scary, but I have faith that he will catch us and his plan will be so awesome for our family. Alright, I had to vent a little bit. We got our Christmas cards out today !! Yeah ! Considering it is only 6 days to Christmas. And we almost didn't get them out today since Presley took our roll of 50 stamps and used them as stickers on out dinning room chairs !! Gotta love 2 year olds, but I salvaged them. We have been packing and going through boxes since saturday and I can honestly say, "I hate moving !" Hopefully this will be one of the last ones for our family. I anticipate probably 2 more before we settle down. So ya- Knox is about to crawl anyday. He gets up on hands and knees and rocks. He is so smiley right now. Presley is really getting into Santa Clause. She is excited for Christmas. We have started saying my goodbyes to people and it hurts my heart to think that We won't see some of these people for the rest of our lives. I just hope that the short time that we did have, we were able to make a positive impact in their lives. And that the Fallowfield Family stamp on the story of their lives is one that left a lasting impression that has forever changed them for the better. Man, I have big expectations for us !! Think Big, Right ?! Anyway- this was a post for me to let out some thoughts and feelings of what we are going through at this point in our existence.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Dance Party !!

Well from Bry's post you can see that I am a little stressed !! Anyway- on a little lighter note, I wanted to post these pics and these videos of my dance crazy kids. I spent $5 today on this toy for Presley from this toy consignment shop ( I had to buy her a surprise. Telling her I would buy one for her was the only way I could get out of the house without her having a melt down). It is a LeapFrog Karaoke machine (looks Brand new and retails around $55, Good Job ME :) and it plays a bunch of songs and does phonics for the alphabet, which she could care less about, but it has a microphone with a long cord that will allow her to dance while singing. So after I Lysoled the thing I gave it to her to play with and she danced like a mad woman for about 45 mins! It was great, she even said "You see me mom dancing with my mouth", because she kept opening her mouth as wide as it would go while she jumped around. It was very entertaining. The video of Knox just kind of happened. Bryan was playing the guitar and Knox was kicking crazy everytime he played so that is what his video is all about. So Enjoy our cute babies !!

It is london Bridges falling down- but she calls it her "Barney dance"...

Dancing Diva! and Kicking Knox !

free fallin'

our lives are entirely in the hands of the Lord. completely and unequivocally in His hands. we are officially free falling with the hope that He will catch us. He has always caught us before, and it is our hope that he will do the same now. we just paid our mortgage and other bills and we officially have zero dollars to our names (we are in integers now). we have a home to sell, 2300 miles of continent to cross, and numerous other significant things that need to occur to avoid the collision with the earth at the bottom of the cliff that is fast approaching. God is a God of miracles. We trust him. We love him. He loves us. He knows us. He knows our needs. He will provide for us. anyway, we are free falling and it is exhilirating--as long as we don't collide with the earth. we hope that we won't; however, if we do, that is ok because God knows what is best for us eternally. we trust God and we believe in good things to come.

Monday, December 3, 2007

A mile stone...

So I guess we have reached a mile stone in our journey as parents. We have just endured our first 24 hour stomach bug with Presley. I went out with one of my friends to Christmas shop for our kids and Bryan called so that while he was cleaning up presley's puke and passed out that I would know that he had passed out and I needed to come home...:). He didn't pass out thank goodness but after the way the house smelled after he had cleaned it (it still smelled horrid) I know I would have, or at least I would have added to the mess. So I go home and Bryan was holding her wrapped in a sheet and she looked at me all pale and listless..."mommy I spit up". It was so sad. I told her it was okay and we just kept trying to get her to sip on some pedialyte. So she quit throwing up about midnight and we all finally laid down to rest. Then 2am rolled around and out of bed I popped barely making it to the toilet for my 5 hour battle with the stomach bug. Bryan got up and got himself and Knox ready for church and they headed out, Presley was still not back to normal just running a low grade fever so we were left to hang out together. So when he left I thought I would attempt to get up, but ya super nauseous I head back to our bathroom and Presley came in saying she had to poop. I told her to go to her bathroom that mommy needed this potty so she ran off. Thinking that since she had left everything had gone smoothly I turned to get back in bed, but I was sorely mistaken. Presley was standing in my bathroom door way with poop all over her legs and running to her ankles. I grabbed her and sat her on our toilet and began to scold her for not making to the toilet and how she was a big girl and I can't believe she pooped in her pants. All the while I am turning to puke in the bath tub and she just keeps saying "ohhhh mommy spit up, she needs to go to the Doctor". So I try to wipe her down enough that when she walks on the carpet it won't drip, and I take her to her bathroom to put her in the bath, and on the way we pass her underwear and pants which are clean and I am suddenly perplexed as to where all the poop came from. We walked in the hall and into the bathroom when there sat the answer to my question. Poop...Poop everywhere !!! On her little training potty on the bathmat, on the side of the tub, on the toilet, on the tile, on her Dora potty seat....Poor thing tried to get up on the toilet. I felt bad for scolding her and for almost puking on her as I cleaned up the mess. It was SO GROSS!! I called Bry and he came home. Then last night at about 10pm Bry started his round which kicked his butt until 4am and he is still not feeling well. We are just hoping that Knox doesn't get it. So ya- that was kind of a long story for a crazy weekend. But since this was the first time Presley has ever thrown up, I feel we have started the days of puke cleaning. Bryan and I both have weak stomachs so I am sure we will continue to contribute to the mess.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

List of "I'll never..."

Alright so in reading one of my friends blogs that I used to play ball with she had this cute blog about the things she said she would never do, but has ended up I am going to share some myself that are kind of funny

1. Go to about that. And we are actually about to move there again !

2. Have kids in public with a booger in their nose....Presley was always pretty clean, but knox has a fit if I even try to wipe his whatever I pick my battles (and my boogers ! :)

3. Let my kids wear clothes with characters on them (i.e. Dora, Mickey Mouse, Blues)...My sister gave me some from her kids and that is all Presley would wear for about 3 weeks, like I said I try to pick my battles.

4. Feed my kids in the car....Needless to say I hadn't had kids yet.

5. Buy shoes that light up... she has Nikes and Keds, but I put her in her light up shoes almost everyday.

6. Have my kids eat McDonalds...Alright it's not an everyday occurance but you gotta love happy meals.

7.Be a stay at home mom...SURPRISE !!!! I am and I love it!

Well I think that is about it for now- I am sure there are plenty more that I just can't think of at the moment. I have the "I'll never..." moments all the time when watching my family with their kids, but I can already tell I have a lot to learn just from what I have had to let slide already. I have learned ( well I am still in the process of learning) that small things really aren't that important and who cares what others think as long as it works for your family. Kids change your world (For the better) and while showing them how the world works I have been able to open my eyes a little more and see things a little more clearly. So ya- like on my friends blog, I look forward to seeing others post their "I nevers". Oh ya ! and a BIG THANKS to Lauren for pimping out my page until I can figure out how to be a super blogger !!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Getting ready for the move

So...we are home from our quick trip to Tennessee and our lives are getting ready to become super hectic. Bryan is busy finishing this semester of school and finals will be here in 2 weeks. We are moving to Utah on the 27th of December and since the babies and I are home all day we are trying to pack up our house. I am a little anxous about the move. we are comfortable here and we are established, but we ae headed out so Bry can finish school. It will be good for us. we hope our next move will be to a permanent location. But if you are aware of how our life works you know that we really have no clue what is in store for us. Anyway- the kids are doing great. Presley is excited about Christmas. She kind of has an idea of what is going on but not to the full extent. Knox could care less and is happy just to have something to chew on, so that makes our shopping for him rather simple. Presley wants Barbies !! I am amazed that my 2 year old wants Barbies, but whatever. They are both growing so fast. Presley expands her vocabulary every day and Knox is becoming more expressive. As for me...I am enjoying staying at home with these bumblebees somedays are easier than others, but I am so glad I have the opportunity to be apart of every moment of their little lives. They crack me up and keep me entertained. Knox already weighs 20 lbs and is such a ladies man. He flirts with any lady in a room, I think he gets it from his daddy. Alright well that is it for today I will post more later. love you all.