So I know this has been a much anticipated post. It has taken a while to post because we haven't been too happy with the way things turned out with the wig. It took 6 1/2 hours to make the wig for Pres. She was such a patient girl. Her hairstylist hastily cut the bangs so Pres could see before she finished the wig and it ruined the whole hair piece. A normal wig is made out of about 1 1/2 wefts of hair and to make Presley's she used 4 ( by using so many she made it seamless, you can run your hand down the back of her head you can't feel a thing and you can part it and not see the seams )!! So it was soooooooooo thick and she started the bangs that she cut at the top of her head...UGH ! So needless to say we are very dissappointed, but Pres is so happy. She was so cute with just the first wefts being glued on she was stroking the hair. She has loved tossing it around. So we took her back in on friday and got it thinned again and cut by a different stylist. She tried to fix it, but the bangs overwhelm her little face. We still prefer her with short hair. Anyway- here are the pics :)
Rockin and Rollin Ready for her Pony Tail and so happy :)...
Watching a movie while Ms. Jackie is gluing her wefts to the cap...
LOL :)...This was her after 6 1/2 hours :) she was giving everyone dirty looks, and all of the stylists were excited for her and wanting to see her...
A good shot of the over powering bangs and too much hair...
Friday ager getting it thinned and some of the bangs pulled back into topsy tails...
Okay- still modeling the hair, but I didn't place it right so her ears are sticking out a little, and she is standing like that cause she thinks its pretty :)
2 Pig tails on sunday afternoon...