So last night I had a huge headache and stayed home while Bry and the kids went to eat at a friends house. I put Maryn to bed and came out in the living room and sat on the couch. As I was sitting there I heard Presley crying outside and I figured she tripped on her way home. Bryan walked in the door holding this inconsolable 4 year old. He laid her on the couch and showed me her back. It took everything I had not to freak out. I immediately called the after hours nurse at her Dr.'s office and told the what had happened and asked what I need to look for if she had done internal damage. Bry was at the dinner table so we only know what happened by what she has told us. She said she was climbing down off a bunk bed and fell onto a wooden drawer on the floor. She said she was so scared because she couldn't talk or breathe, so it had knocked the wind out of her. Bry didn't even recognize her cry when she came out of the room because she still hadn't caught her breath. Poor thing was soooo upset. We iced her and cuddled her and I was a little paranoid so I had her sleep in my bed so I could check on her frequently. Anyway- she couldn't wait to show her teacher at school today her big owie. She is such a funny kid. And this has nothing to do with it, but I want to document it. Bry made fudge and Presley loved it but she could remember what it was called so all day today she has called it something different....Fidge, Bidge, Budge, chocolate stuff :) Here are pics of her back about an hour after the fall.
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
1 day ago