Alright so before you get into this I have a warning...this post will contain a lot of self pity and whining...So here we are on the 8th day of August and I have been absolutely miserable for about 3 weeks. The hot weather has not helped me out with my swelling at all. I have been to the hospital 3 times with false labor stuff. The last time I was sure we were gonna have a baby, but no I was sent home and given a lecture the next day by my not so wonderful OB. I am now 36 weeks and have met my Dr. a total of 3 times. The practice I go to is so busy. He is always delivering babies. I can't stand the head nurse. Everytime I talk with them about my concerns they think I am an idiot. I mean really I am on my 3rd kid and I kind of know what is going on with my body, but whatever. I started the pregnancy with a blood pressure of 90/60. I hit 138/93 the other day, which was really high but have consistantly been sitting at about 138/82...still high right, but I am an idiot for being concerned. I have now put on 62 lbs ! I know I am no skinny, cute belly preggo, but come on ! And if I go to the c-section date of 9-1-09...I will be 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I have never been pregnant longer than 38 weeks ! Plus the Dr. thinks that she will be 9lbs !! Suggestions please on how to get things moving ! I know the usuals, but anyone had anything that worked for them ?
UGH! I am so sorry. I'm not going to tell you all the cheezy things people try to tell you to make you feel better because I know it doesn't work. I HATE that stage of pregnancy!!! Nothing is going to make you feel better until that baby is in your arms so I'll just say...good luck Cyn! I'm excited to see pictures! :D
Cynthia- I feel your pain! Okay- maybe if you tell your doctor that you wont have any insurance by ___ date (whatever day you want to have delivered by) and hopefully he would let you have her by then! I hope everything goes well. Please send/post pictures when she arrives! sound just like me. seriously. i am complaining like crazy.And I want this baby out. I am trying a lot of walking and a lot of...uh know...I have even gone to websites looking up how to start labor (i'm 36 weeks and some days) and I've even prayed about it to happen now but quickly feel guilty and pray that the baby will be healthy).yeah...I'm just realizing...those statistics are pretty darn correct. Only 15 percent of mommies water breaks before going into labor and 70 percent of babies come when your body/baby is ready not because of any forced kind of stuff. It ticks me off really. But I am not giving up. I know my body too and so far okay but what I know I will have a hard time doing is convincing my OBGYN to strip my membranes at next weeks appointment. I am done. I know what my body is doing and I know if she does that...i'll go into full labor. So, goodluck and I guess I am no comfort. just grin and bare it and then scream and scream more. lots of walks. encourage gravity to bring that baby down more and have lots of sex (but make sure you try to get as "excited" as you can because the more oxytocin released the more stimulation to your cervix. good luck. keep your fingers crossed for me too.
Oh Poor Cyn!! And I'm being serious!!! Hang in there!!! It's worth it in the end. Can't wait to see this lil' one!!
Castor oil will work if your body is ready. :) It doesn't taste the best. :( Will the doctor let you deliver VBAC if you go into labor on your own?
First of all, congrats on the pregnancy...I didn't know you were expecting your 3rd. Second...I totally know what you are going through. I was in your position this time last summer. Being pregnant in the summer is not fun, especially when you are due in late August in the hot Georgia heat. I am going to add your link to my blog so I can keep up with you. God bless...I will be praying for you!
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