We had well child checks today. It was nice to get them both taken care of in one visit. Presley is 3 years old, 37 lbs (90th %ile) and 38 inches tall (75th %ile). Knox is one year old, 22 lbs (40th %ile) and 30 inches tall (45 %ile). The percentile stuff is all kind of crap- but I guess it gives a general guide line. I feel very greatful today to be blessed with 2 healthy beautiful children. Bryan and I are so proud of them and they bless our lives everyday. Here is why you don't give a one year old an oreo...he enjoyed it though !
And finally answers to a tag:
What is your most embarrassing moment? Ummm...well there are so many, but not so sure which one stands out more than the other...heres one from way back...6th grade- my gym teacher told me not to go to the tanning bed that it would fry my ovaries and I told her "no it won't I wear my goggles", yeah seeing as how ovaries are in your eyes...
What is something you laugh about every time you think about it? When playing softball at BYU, My friends Ariel, Elizabeth, and Oli, and I would have "move of the day" in the van on the way to games and we all had to do that dance move when we would dance in the van...crazy girls
What is your favorite season? I absolutely love FALL !! I love the colors and the weather, not too hot, not too cold perfect !
One thing that i have learned throughout my life that you would give advice to others? Do what makes you happy. Pleasing others is awesome, but don't sell yourself short in doing so.
Who is my hero? My husband. He is amazing. He does it all ! He is a wonderful father and I love how creative he is when he plays with our babies. He is sooooo smart and has such ambition. I admire how he seems to so easily prioritize his life and that he always puts spiritual things first. He is a great example for me and our children. Im so glad that I have eternity to spend with him.
What is your favorite goofy thing your spouse does to make you fall in love all over? I love how when he is feeling playful he will try and dance...not like breakdancing or anything just, he will just grab me and try and sway his hips and slow dance...cracks me up...or when he tries to wrestle and one of us ends up getting hurt!
What is your favorite book of all time? ummmmm....I liked tuesday mornings with Mori...
What is one of your pet peeves? Flakiness, do what you say-
What has been your favorite place to travel and Why? The Netherlands !! Bry and I lived there for 4 months and we had so much fun together, riding bikes, going to the beach, eating falafels, rinding trains....It was so beautiful and we look forward to going back.
If you had alot of money to invest what would it be in and why? Bryan just took a finance class and he is all about investing- But I think I would invest in a program that would find families that want to adopt children and place children for a fraction of the cost that it costs for a regular adoption.
And then to answer the tag...
Ummm- everyone has done it so - if you haven't feel free to do it if you want. i would love to read your answers !